Our Projects
SADC Project
To support community-based institutions and health systems to deliver SRH services, access to health ageing, integrated screening, management, treatment and adherence support for 50+ population with comorbidity of HIV and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
GOAT Pass-On
The project intends to address the problem through provision of goats to the 1000 targeted households. Evidence continues to show that older women are more vulnerable and will deliberately target more older women headed households (680) than older men headed households (320).
BMZ Project
The Project’s goal is to ensure older men and women, especially those living with NCDs and HIV/AIDS, in Zomba, Balaka and Machinga districts are accessing age-appropriate and integrated health services.
Commonwealth Project
Malawi Network of Older Persons’ Organizations (MANEPO) is implementing a project that seeks to contribute to a society that is accountable to the rights of older men and women in Malawi.
The projects' primary goal is to prevent avoidable blindness through supporting primary eye care services and provision of cataract surgical services in Malawi. Funded by the Foreign Commonwealth.
Our overall objective is that older people with incontinence and their caregivers have more control over the dignified management of their incontinence during humanitarian crises, and are better supported by WASH, Health and Protection actors.